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A digital archive of Western Theological Seminary's history.

Cook Library
Western Theological Seminary
101 E 13th St
Holland, MI 49423

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Connecting OneLogin to your G-Suite Account

Western Theological Seminary uses a system called OneLogin to provide remote access to library systems.  OneLogin uses your Western Theological Seminary G-Suite account username and password as its own username and password.
For OneLogin and G-Suite to interoperate properly, a setting in your Western Theological Seminary G-Suite account must be changed.
The technical support team at Western Theological Seminary cannot make this change; YOU have to make the change for yourself
  1. Navigate to
  2. On the left side of the screen, look for the Security tab and open it
  3. Scroll down to the box that says "Less secure app access"
  1. If it says "Off", click on "Turn on access (not recommended)"
  2. Click on the slider so that the screen says "Allow less secure apps: ON"
  3. This will allow OneLogin to properly interact with Google's authentication system.
Google's security systems are programmed in such a way that if you do not log into OneLogin on a regular basis, Google will automatically reset "Less secure apps" to the OFF setting.