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Servicios de biblioteca / Scan/Print/Copy

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Digital Repository @ WTS
Un archivo digital de la historia del Western Theological Seminary.

Cook Library
Western Theological Seminary
101 E 13th St
Holland, MI 49423

Tamaño de fuente

Scanner/Printer/Copier Info

Escaneo, impresión y fotocopias están disponibles en el primer piso. Duplique el material dentro del cumplimiento de los derechos de autor y tenga cuidado con los libros más antiguos. Los artículos de la Colección Especial no pueden escanearse ni fotocopiarse.


No charge

Printing & Copying

10¢ for personal printing and copying

Printer Software
  • Android Devices
  • Android devices must use Google Cloud Print to use the library's printer
  • The Add Cloud Printer link is available in Canvas
  • Apple iOS
  • You must be on the WTS Campus and your computer must be using the "ws-student" WiFi network
  • When printing, select "Library Student - HP Color LaserJet"
  • Apple MacOS
  • You must be on the WTS Campus and your computer must be using the "ws-student" WiFi network
  • Open System Preferences → Printers & Scanners
  • Add the printer "Library Student - HP Color LaserJet"
  • Windows
  • You must be on the WTS Campus and your computer must be using the "ws-student" WiFi network
  • Open the Windows Settings → Devices & Printers Control panel
  • Add a printer
  • Select the "Library Student - HP Color LaserJet" Printer

No charge


10¢ per page (double-sided counts as two pages)

Printing Not available